An NFT is a non-fungible token. What does fungible mean? Fungible means interchangeable. What is a token? A token means a cryptocurrency. An NFT is something unique and non interchangeable that resides on a blockchain like a cryptocurrency. NFTs are typically some type of media:…
When a loved one passes away owning real estate or other property in Louisiana, it’s often necessary to open a succession. This legal process ensures that the heirs or legatees can step into their rightful roles as property owners, allowing them to manage, sell, or…
The Department of Labor made their final rule earlier this month, January 9, on how to classify workers as employees or independent contractors. They concluded that the six factors determining a worker’s classification ought to be weighed equally, with no factor being considered more important…
Copyright Law Overview The Lanham Act created a national trademark registration system (15 U.S.C. § 1051 et seq.) and also promulgated the laws surrounding trademarks in the United States. In order for a trademark to be eligible to be registered and therefore receive protection, the…
SEC Lawyers have been ordered to file a response explaining why they seemingly intentionally brought “false andv misleading” evidence to court. These lawyers petitioned over the summer for a Temporary Restraining Order against DEBTv Box, a Wyoming-based crypto firm. In this TRO Application, Commission attorney…
On August 22 the cryptocurrency privacy tool Tornado Cash (TC) received official sanctions from the U.S. government after it appeared they allowed foreign hackers to launder $7 billion. With TC’s ability to hide the provenance of cryptocurrency transactions, users enjoyed safety in knowing they could…
An article published in the Notre Dame Law Review titled “Copyright Protection for Tattoos: Are Tattoos Copies?” asks whether tattoos can be protected under copyright law. In order for works to be given such protection, they must meet two requirements: fixation and originality. The work,…
Virtually every divorce involves some form of asset division, but a growing number involve some form of cryptocurrency. Since this technology is still quite new, it can be difficult for traditional divorce attorneys to assist with finding and tracking cryptocurrency in a Louisiana divorce. Fortunately,…
Cryptocurrencies can be highly volatile, but they are seen as a valid investment strategy by many. This means that they are appearing more frequently in estate plans so that these benefits can be passed on to an investor’s loved ones. Crypto must be documented in…
As cryptocurrency grows and matures, new regulatory bodies have taken an interest in the technology. Most notably, the Securities and Exchange Commission is working to place restrictions and regulations on the industry. It might be tempting to ask, “Do I need a crypto lawyer in…